How to Choose the Best Cheap Hosting for Your Business Website - Techsolution club


Friday, December 21, 2018

How to Choose the Best Cheap Hosting for Your Business Website

When we talk about how to choose the best cheap hosting for business websites, then some people will be confused in determining the hosting provider. On the one hand we want cheap hosting because the budget is limited, but on the other hand we also want the website to run well.

In general, the best quality hosting will be accompanied by prices that tend to be expensive. However, it's not always like that because there are actually cheap hosting services with performance that is no less great than the expensive one.

As we know that the hosting service that we use for a website will greatly affect the performance of the website. Therefore, we must be careful in determining hosting for a website, especially the website is for business purposes.

How to Choose the Best Cheap Hosting

It should be noted that cheap does not mean cheap, and expensive is not always accompanied by the quality and specifications that we need. Don't also hire the best hosting at an expensive price even though the specifications are too high and not needed.

Well, here is an easy way to save money when renting hosting for business websites:

1. Pay attention to prices

Ok, your budget is limited but that doesn't mean you can't get cheap cheap hosting. Open several local hosting provider sites that are quite well-known in Indonesia and compare each package they offer.

Each hosting provider has certain price packages that you can adjust to the budget. You can also try to get cheap hosting package prices by using a promotional code from the site. This site is one place to get discounts from the best Web Hosting services in Indonesia.

2. Determine the type of hosting

Knowing your website hosting needs is a must because it will determine website performance and expenditure efficiency. In general, there are 4 types of website hosting with different specifications, namely;

  • Shared hosting
  • Virtual Private Hosting
  • Dedicated Hosting
  • Cloud Hosting

If your website is still newly created, then you should use a type of shared hosting because it is cheaper. You can upgrade if one day your website needs a higher hosting specification.

3. Determining Bandwidth Capacity

Ok, let's just say you choose shared hosting because you will only create a website. Pay attention to the bandwidth capacity offered by your hosting provider, whether limited or unlimited. My advice, you should choose hosting that offers unlimited bandwidth capacity so that your website can stay online even when the traffic is soaring.

One hosting provider that offers unlimited bandwidth for shared hosting is Niagahoster. You can get the best offer by using the Niagahoster Promotion Code.

4. Pay Attention to Server Quality

The quality of the server will greatly affect the performance of your business website. Not infrequently you know there is a good website, the loading is slow because the server is bad.

How do you determine the sever quality parameters? One way is to pay attention to the location of the server, for example server location in Indonesia, Singapore, America, France, and others.

If your target website market is in Indonesia, you should use hosting with the closest server, for example in Indonesia or Singapore. In addition to the server location, note also the RAM capacity and network speed because it also affects the website loading speed.

5. Pay attention to the security system

Even though hosting is cheap, it doesn't mean the security system is weak, you know. Professional hosting providers generally have a fairly good security system so that client site security remains protected from hacker attacks.

However, in terms of website owners, they must also pay attention to the security of their website. There are several easy efforts to help website security, for WordPress sites for example;

  • Using cloudflare
  • Uses up-to-date WordPress
  • Use original themes and plugins
  • Use plugins and scripts from the official WordPress website
  • Activate the firewall
  • Make passwords that are hard to penetrate

And others

6. Pay Attention to Quality of Support

Even though all the previous tips have been done, it doesn't mean your website will have no problems. Sometimes problems arise without us knowing the cause, especially if you are not a tech savvy.

Therefore, you need a hosting provider with customer support that is ready 24 hours a day to help resolve your website problems. Apart from helping the main problem on your website, as a business owner you will feel more calm.

Also read: Understanding Hosting

We all agree that the quality of hosting is something very important and crucial for every business website. Although there are many cheap hosting offers in the local market, not all offers are available

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