Google will reveal pricing and games for Stadia soon - Techsolution club


Sunday, May 26, 2019

Google will reveal pricing and games for Stadia soon

Google made the announcement of its Gaming platform back in march on game developers conference. Google has already unveiled the Stadia the cloud-based gaming platform that will let you play games on any device any time. Now Google's Stadia project tweeted that they are revealing more details about the project.

 In the upcoming months, Google is going to reveal the price, launch info, and announce games that will come with Stadia. Most likely on E3 this year on June 11.

About Google Stadia:

Stadia is a gaming platform by Google that lets you stream video games on any device of your choice. It is capable of running all kinds of games on high-capacity servers and stream the games directly to any device with a fast enough internet connection. Thus, eliminating the need for high-end gaming PCs or a hefty gaming console to meet your gaming needs.

It will launch with its own Wi-Fi controller that connects directly to the internet to minimize latency.

The games announced so far for the platform include Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and the upcoming Doom Eternal. Google also says that they plan to make first party games in collaboration with Stadia Games and Entertainment.

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