Better Than Lithium Ion, This Is The Concept Of A New Future Battery - Techsolution club


Friday, December 28, 2018

Better Than Lithium Ion, This Is The Concept Of A New Future Battery

 Technology is arguably one of the most dynamic things in the world. In just a few years, we can see the rapid development of technology in various fields.

One example is the development of the use of a power storage device or the term battery. A battery is one device that is used to store power which can then be used on other devices.

Until now, one of the most widely used types of mobile devices is lithium ion batteries. But recently, researchers who previously developed lithium ion batteries, presented an idea of ​​the creation of a new type of battery which is reportedly even better than lithium ion.

 What is the concept of the future battery like? Here's the full review.

Development of Battery Findings

For information, lithium ion batteries, which are currently widely applied to mobile devices, were first developed by a researcher named John Goodenough. He is a member of the team that completed the manufacture of the lithium ion battery concept decades ago.

But now, it turns out the figure of the famous inventor does not want to stop creating the latest technology. This is evidenced in the report of a study he conducted with several other researchers, to develop a new battery technology that even has the durability and advantages over lithium ion batteries.Regarding the general concept of the latest battery, Goodenough tries to replace the main components that are present in lithium ion batteries at this time. These components are electrolyte liquids. At present, electrolyte liquids are still considered as one of the most important and irreplaceable components.

But the problem is, many instances where batteries are arranged by electrolyte liquids can finally explode and are unable to function for devices that are at low temperatures.

Therefore, the Goodenough team tried to replace the electrolyte liquid with other components, namely glass. By using glass, this new concept battery is estimated to be able to charge much faster, and has a storage capability that is 3 times better than a lithium ion battery.

Not only that, the advantages of using glass can also reduce the possibility of exploding devices besides being able to operate for low-temperature devices.

Solving Energy Storage Problems

In recent years, there have been enough researchers around the world who are trying to develop energy storage devices that are better than those currently available. The research was rolled out by trying out new devices or components that could replace existing components.

Therefore, research from Goodenough has been communicated through the journal Energy & Envrionmental Science to be better known by researchers around the world. Apparently, the concept was able to attract the attention of many researchers.

The problem commonly encountered in the creation of power storage devices is that most of the ideas that appear are difficult to realize or even impossible to produce.

 In addition, lithium ion batteries that are available at this time are considered to be no longer developed because they are at their limit. This thought is supported by the fact that there are a lot of mobile devices that use the development of lithium ion batteries, but in the end they are unable to resist and cause an explosion.

If indeed the research conducted by Goodenough managed to find a better component, of course the results of the battery of the new technology can be very helpful.

From there development continues to find a better version of lithium ion batteries. One of them is replacing lithium material with sodium in the battery. Sodium, which can be obtained through seawater extraction, will certainly be easier and have a cheaper price.
However, to really be produced which is used, the findings from Goodenough still need to be developed. So it seems we need to be patient until the latest technology is completed.

A glimpse of Goodenough's achievements in finding lithium ion batteries, he and his team first developed the technology in 1980. At that time, he used the cathode cobalt oxide material as a core component. Thanks to his discovery, Goodenough was awarded the Charles Stark Draper Prize in 2014.

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