Create a Hoax Analyzer, ITB Students Represent Asean in the 2017 Microsoft Imagine Cup - Techsolution club


Saturday, December 29, 2018

Create a Hoax Analyzer, ITB Students Represent Asean in the 2017 Microsoft Imagine Cup

Create a Hoax Analyzer, ITB Students Represent Asean in the 2018 Microsoft Imagine Cup

Again, Indonesia's young generation recorded proud achievements at the world level. This time it was represented by 3 students from the Bandung Institute of Technology who had just been named the champion of the Microsoft Imagine Cup competition in Southeast Asia in Manila, Philippines.

They are Feryandi Nurdiantoro, Tifani Warnita, and Adinda Budi Kusuma Putra, inventor and developer of the anti-hoax application called Hoax Analyzer. With the application created by 3 students who are members of the Cimol Team, opening hopes for the future of the community can be separated from the snare of the spread of false news aka hoaxes.

Early Development of Hoax Analyzer

When asked about the initial development of the application of the Hoax Analyzer site, Cimol Team stated that it was moved by the widespread issue of spreading fake or more layered content called hoaxes. Hoax has become a problem not only for people who are technologically literate but are comprehensive because of its destructive nature.

For this reason they think about how to package hoax distribution solutions in a way that is easier and can be reached by all people. From there they think of making an application service in the form of a site that later can be used by the community to check information whether it's a fact or even a hoax.

Coinciding with the emergence of the idea, the three of them agreed to take part in the Microsoft Imagine Cup competition which is an international competition made by the giant company Microsoft.

Struggle Towards the World Level

One of the motivations for all three is to continue to develop the Hoax Analyzer application, one of which is to be able to name ITB and Indonesia in general. Even though he is currently at the final level of education, in the midst of his busy schedule the three are still trying to improve the function of the application to eradicate the hoax.

The road is certainly not easy, at first they have to take part in the Indonesian regional competition. Putting aside some other technological findings, finally the Cimol Team managed to become Indonesia's representative to advance to the ASEAN level.

Unexpectedly, achievements were achieved when they competed at the Southeast Asian level. Even though they have to face several rivals who are arguably more familiar with the world of technology such as Singapore, the Indonesian team managed to become champions and ensure steps to the final round representing the ASEAN region.

It was stated that, later the Cimol Team will become one of the dozens of other participants who participated in the Microsoftt Imagine Cup 2017 World Final. No half-hearted, the big competition will be held directly at Microsoft's headquarters in Seattle, United States in July 2017.

For prizes, after pocketing a 3000 USD prize from the ASEAN level competition, the Cimol Team had the opportunity to get the grand prize of 100,000 USD or the equivalent of Rp 1.3 billion. Not only that, the winning team will also receive additional prizes in the form of Microsoft Azure services worth Rp 1.6 billion.

About the Application Hoax Analyzer

Regarding the technology used to form the Hoax Analyzer application, it basically works by changing keywords in the form of a word or sentence arrangement, becoming a query that will be processed using a certain algorithm. To run the process the Hoax Analyzer uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology, which later can provide a language processing approach that is often used by humans so that computers can be understood.

From there, Hoax Analyzer will display the results of analysis in the form of percentages between facts, hoaxes or unknowns. The percentage results obtained from reference media that are on the internet. So simply, the Hoax Analyzer will search for information through the media and then try to translate it to find out whether that information is fact or not.

When trying this application, what needs to be understood is that all information is presented in English, this is of course inseparable from the reason because the Hoax Analyzer is a project created to participate in international competitions. But even so, the Hoax Analyzer can still be used to analyze phrases or sentences in Indonesian.

After trying and seeing the results, it is generally understood that the percentage given to assess information is fact or hoax, based on information in various online media. Now here lies the disadvantages of this service. Because as is known, there are times when online-based media can also include something that has not been tested.

However, the concept offered through the Hoax Analyzer application is an extraordinary potential step and deserves to be appreciated. Moreover, this is the work of the nation's sons. For those who are curious, you can try this application by visiting the website address and hopefully the Cimol Team can get better achievements in the final event later.

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