Facebook boss resolution, Mark Zuckerberg wants to bring "Jarvis Iron Man" to the Real World - Techsolution club


Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Facebook boss resolution, Mark Zuckerberg wants to bring "Jarvis Iron Man" to the Real World

Facebook boss resolution, Mark Zuckerberg wants to bring "Jarvis Iron Man" to the Real World

At the beginning of each year not a few people have the habit of making resolutions for themselves. The resolution is the desire, goal or dream that you want to achieve in the next year. This applies, not least to the founder and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

This young billionaire also has a resolution he makes every year. What's interesting is that the resolution made by Mark Zuckerberg some time ago turned out to be very unique. Namely he wants to develop a technology of artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence, just like the Iron Man fictional character, Jarvis.

For fans of the Iron Man series, certainly no stranger to the name Jarvis. Jarvis is a # artificial intelligence technology that is always loyal to the main character Tony Stark in every action. Then what is the real step of Mark Zuckerberg to realize the unique resolution in 2016? Here's the review.

Challenging Capabilities in Technology
As is known, as a computer expert Mark Zuckerberg of course it is quite astute if it comes in contact with all things that smell of technology. Especially with the Facebook service that it provides, Mark must always have the latest vision and innovation so that Facebook users are never tired of using the service.

On one occasion through his personal Facebook account, the man who had just become a father stated that this year was the most important year in developing himself for Mark. The self-development that he means here is one of them in terms of creating new technologies that can help with daily activities at least for his own family. That desire underlies the mark's ambition to make applied technology based on artificial intelligence.

And after being inspired by the high-level technology found in the Iron Man series, Mark Zuckerberg felt challenged to bring the technology to the real world. Basically he is well aware that the technology that exists in the world today has begun to approach the AI ​​concept as owned by Jarvis.

But when compared to what is in the fictional film, in fact it is still far enough to reach or match Jarvis's technology. Above all, Mark believes that in the next few years that dream can come true.

Artificial Intelligence that is Able to Handle Various Tasks
Still sourced from information written by Mark on his personal Facebook account, the AI ​​concept that Mark wants to realize is actually not too "grandiose". For the initial stage, he wanted the technology to be applied on a scale of household needs.

Furthermore, later he wants to make a technology that can recognize and execute various commands through speech and face recognition. These tasks include general things such as turning on electronic devices, recognizing people in the area of ​​the house to give a warning if something happens.

The reality is that, with the AI ​​technology, he can keep an eye on the princess Max, although not always by his side. Monitor conditions in real time, to give a warning if something happens to her daughter will certainly help. Especially with a myriad of activities that are quite dense, the husband of Pricilia Chan certainly can maximize his time management.

A Glimpse of the Habits of Mark Zuckerberg Making the Annual Resolution
For 2016, Mark's resolution is indeed still a dream and a big plan. But this is not impossible to happen and materialize in just one year. Because Mark does have a habit of making resolutions every year, and in fact he often manages to run the resolution very well.

As in 2015, at the beginning of the year the Facebook boss made several resolutions. The first is that he wants to meet new people every day. In addition, he also wants to learn more about Mandarin which is his mother's mother tongue.

It didn't take too long, the high-social entrepreneur managed to realize the revolution he had made. As proof, in 2015 he gave a very smooth speech in Mandarin. And this year, will "Jarvis" technology really come true? Let's just wait.

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