Peek at the New Marketing Era Offered by Virtual Reality - Techsolution club


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Peek at the New Marketing Era Offered by Virtual Reality

Peek at the New Marketing Era Offered by Virtual Reality

At present # virtual reality technology is not only limited to a futuristic concept. This digital imaging technology has a new vision to be applied in various fields.

Having previously focused on entertainment media affairs, in reality virtual reality can also be utilized for various other fields that have not even been imagined. One of the most diligent ones being developed is the use of marketing.

Development of Adaptation of Virtual Reality

In fact, in the holiday season closed in 2016, the number of purchases of VR glasses has increased quite remarkable. In various countries that have no longer used to adapt VR technology, sales can reach thousands of products in just a few days. Forrester marketing media estimates that in 2020 the number of VR glasses on the market will increase to 52 million units and be used for various needs.

Then what does this mean for marketers?

Certainly a potential where VR headsets can be used to carry out marketing efforts that ultimately aim to win the hearts of consumers. Because with the penetration of VR technology that is increasingly high, consumers will increasingly feel familiar with the application of VR in various ways, especially in this case in recognizing a business brand.

Application of the Story Telling Concept

Then what is the easiest way to get consumer attention using VR technology?

One way is to prioritize storytelling. In simple storytelling can be interpreted by how we convey the story behind our business. This story can tell about the history of business development or maybe how a small part of our product is made.

From a study revealed that now consumers have a greater interest in knowing the story behind a particular business or product. From there when they are interested in the story that is made, the possibility to buy or use the services offered will be even greater.

This is where VR takes the role of the media to convey stories. The storytelling capabilities that are changed in virtual form are different experiences and also have greater capture power than other media.

Not infrequently also when consumers already know the story behind our business, love and trust will emerge that lead to consumer loyalty to our business brand.

Create an Unforgettable Experience

Still related to the previous point, the use of virtual displays for marketing products, of course, can provide a different experience. The reason is very simple, because with the use of VR, the majority of our customers can feel various things that even seem impossible to do.

As we all know, there is now a VR video that allows users to experience the sensation of climbing Mount Everest to explore the Amazon rainforest full of amazing creatures. Amazingly, this experience can be felt more real through the presence of VR.

Then how is the application in the field of marketing?

What marketers need to look for is how to introduce products or services using VR technology. For example, sports equipment is one of the industry lines that easily adapts VR technology.

Skateboarding equipment companies can provide experience for users to try out new skateboard products but using virtual tracks is more challenging.

Or another example is in the field of fashion. The simple application, by using VR glasses, users can be invited to walk along a virtual hallway where there are various shelves containing fashion items ranging from clothes, shoes, bags and various other attributes. When compared to searching through search engines, the experience of choosing clothes with VR is certainly much more fun and memorable.

In the next few years, virtual reality is transforming into a new way for consumers to get closer and know about a brand. More broadly, it will be possible to emerge a virtual community that is certainly very valuable for business owners.

Therefore there is no harm in taking a step earlier in the development and utilization of VR technology. Who knows, later we can become a market leader armed with virtual glasses.

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