Tips for Knowing SEO Themes Score with Tools - Techsolution club


Sunday, December 16, 2018

Tips for Knowing SEO Themes Score with Tools

SEO and speed assessment tools for websites / blogs

To further maximize the combination of good SEO techniques, and at the same time perfecting onpage techniques on the web or blog that we build, there are several tools that can help you improve your blog / website, I will share some of the tools that I use to help I am doing repairs to the blog / site that I am studying.

One of the most decisive factors other than the website structure is the speed of access, the use of server technology, and updated scripts that are used on the website or blog that we build, and also not to forget that Google uses several website quality assessment algorithms that we build, and from Some of the algorithms that Google uses are reflected in the tools we will use in determining the quality of the website / blog that we are building and using today.

It has become a trick that is widely used by webmasters in all corners of the world, that a good SEO benchmark can be referenced by doing testing in several well-known online SEO tools, whatever tools commonly used by webmasters in determining a good website or blog that is used SEO or not .

SEO Online Tools:

1.GTmetrix2.CHKME3.PageSpeed ​​Insights

GTmetrix here I will briefly explain what this tool uses, Gtmetrix is ​​a speed measuring tool on a site or blog by using PageSpeed ​​Score and YSlow as a analyze engine to produce a value obtained by that site or blog.

CHKME is an SEO tool to check how big the SEO rules are that we apply to our website or blog, the better the value, the better the SEO we have and we have.

PageSpeed ​​Insights is a default Google tool, I am more concentrated on this tool in terms of checking the access speed of a blog or website, this is based on that PageSpeed ​​Insights is a default Google tool, so we will follow the rules of the game and google assessment through these tools

Until here, hopefully what I share in this article can be useful for all my friends.

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