9 Ways to Make Quality Articles for Your Website - Techsolution club


Friday, January 11, 2019

9 Ways to Make Quality Articles for Your Website

9 Ways to Make Quality Articles for Your Website

Because of the growing popularity of the blogging world, many people are interested in making articles.

Making the article seems easy ...

  • .just typing.

  • But don't take it for granted.

  • Making interesting articles is not easy.

  • Especially for the website!

Website is different from books. When people browse websites, they usually don't like to read articles that are too long.

  • This is the biggest problem with website and blog owners.

  • It's been hard to make an article ...

  • Nobody reads it till it's finished ...

  • Then no one visits the website ...

Finally their article failed to get a ranking on Google. Even though I have learned what is called SEO.

But don't worry, there is a solution.

In this guide I will teach you how to write articles that are not boring for website visitors.

Let's start.

0. Forget SEO

If you read on other sites, he said, so many of our websites are read, then the article must be optimized for search engines or SEO.

  • The term "SEO-friendly articles".

  • Unfortunately, this concept is outdated.

What happened is just the opposite.

Those who apply SEO techniques fail, and those who forget SEO when writing articles actually get high rankings.

Crazy right?

This is because those who focus on SEO unconsciously even make articles for machines.

Uninteresting articles read by humans.

Therefore, in this guide I invite you to forget SEO-friendly and focus on "human-friendly".

In the past, what we consider to be an SEO article is something like this:

  • Has a keyword density of a few percent
  • Minimum length of 300/500 words
  • Bold, underline, italic in each keyword
  • Keyword in title, first paragraph, last paragraph
  • Keyword in the meta description
  • Use the subheader (h2-h6) that contains the keyword
  • But now ... forget all the rules.

This is the reason:

Google uses human behavior to rank in search results


I mean this ...

 When we (humans) read articles, we know clearly the difference between good and bad.

  • Good articles are usually read for a long time, often recommended to others, and readers do not need to look for other articles anymore.

  • Google can translate this behavior into data.

  • This behavioral data is used to rank.

  • So I say Google uses human behavior.

You got the point?

  • Here is the picture so that it is somewhat clearer:

  • Let's go back to the 6 old school rules above ...

  • Suppose you write a book.

  • Physical books, not websites.

Does using a lot of bold, italic, underline, and certain keyword density make your book more interesting?

It should have no effect.

Really, if we write ABC words so many times then the article suddenly becomes more interesting?

It's not logical ...

It is precisely when using a word excessively that it will make people who read your article more disturbed.

  • As a result, they don't read.

  • Well, because we already know that articles on the SAME website with articles in books (both rated by humans), the way must be the same.

  • You must forget the old school SEO techniques and focus on humans.

That's an article that will be viral, read by many people, and get high rankings in search engines.

This is the way.

1. Learn the prospective character of the reader

Different topics, the demand is also different.

Young people, adults, the majority of men, the majority of women, and others.

For example, articles about "finance" might be 25 years old and above, right? Then the article about the younger interested game.

  • So the writing method is also different.

  • It's troublesome ...

What do we have to learn about characters for?

The goal is that you can adjust the contents of the article, especially the writing style with the character of your readers.

In other words:

  • So that your article is pleasant to read.

  • So that readers don't get bored.

For example, if your reader is a majority of young people, you use a more relaxed language. If you are stiff, then they will feel weird.

If so, they will leave.

There is one more thing, you do not have to write according to EYD as taught by the teacher at school.

  • The important thing is to read.

  • Let's turn to the reader character ...

To find out the demographics of website readers, you can see from the following media:

Google Analytics (Audience> Demographics> Overview)
Community sites where people are enthusiastic about your topic gathered

From that I can know that the readers of this GuideIM site are the majority of men aged 18-24 years. My writing also adjusts.

2. Fishing the reader with an interesting title

Did you know ... if there are 100 people who come to your website, 80 people will read the title of the article.

  • But only 20 people continued reading the contents.

  • It's bad

  • This means that you lose a huge potential of readers.

  • Let us remember when doing a search on Google. What makes us choose one website?

The title ... right?

So our battle starts with the title.

If the article is good, no matter how good it is, if the title is bad then no one will read.

One more thing:

If we talk ranking. The title is also one of the biggest factors that will make your article ranking on Google high.

See the following picture to understand the logic:

Google follows human behavior ...

Humans will click on more interesting titles ...

So if humans consider the second article better, then Google will increase the ranking of the article to be ranked first.

That's the logic, now we see how.

Suppose if you search on Google with the keyword "how to repel flies", then rank 1-3 there are articles titled like this:

  • 5 Ways to Repel Flies
  • 5 Practical Ways to Repel Flies from Home in 30 Minutes
  • Tutorial Tips on How to Get Rid of Flies in the Latest Natural Complete
  • The title of the first article ... normal.

The format for writing titles like number 1 is too standard, there is no X factor that makes other people interested in reading.

Now we see the second title:

There are words like "practical" and "in 30 minutes".

From the title we can imagine that the second article has more value than the first article. If I can only read 1 article, I will choose the second one.

  • The first title is like eating tofu.

  • The second title is like eating tofu + soy sauce.

  • Humans who do searches on Google always want the best and easiest solution to their problems.

  • This is what we have to offer.

  • Therefore, in the title there must be "soy sauce".

  • BUT it's not just the title ...

  • Your article must also have soy sauce.

If you write like the example above (practical tips 30 minutes), then the content must also be in accordance with the title. Don't lie to the reader.

Oh yes, we haven't discussed the third title.

The point is don't make a title like number three.

The third title is a victim of excessive optimization by including words that look excited, even though it becomes strange to read.

This is a ridiculous trend that Indonesian bloggers often do.

Never use the 3rd title.

For how to check it, try saying the title. If it's not commonly spoken, it means the title is weird, don't use it.

The technique of making titles is very important.

Even because of its importance, I made 1 special article that discussed the title. Please read these 7 content creation techniques.

3. Your article will not be read word-by-word, do this to outsmart

  • I had a chance to say this:

  • Articles on the website are different from books.

  • When reading books or newspapers or magazines, we really want to focus on reading.

  • On the internet this is not the case.

  • On the internet, people want to move quickly from website A to website B. So they won't read word-by-word articles.

  • You also must have passed most of the writing above.

  • This is natural.

  • This reader pattern is called the F-shaped pattern, because it's like the letter F.

  • So they scan vertically, then when they find interesting sentences they read horizontally.

The following picture is obtained from the study using eye movement tracking devices when reading content on the website.

As shown in the picture, most people only read the full top. The further down, the less they read.

  • Like the letter F, right?

  • As writers, we want to minimize this.

  • We want them to read as long as possible.

The reason is important:

The longer they spend on your website, the stronger the "bond" between you and the reader will be created.

  • Readers will be more "love" with you and your writing.

  • For that, there are 2 ways to outsmart.

  • Don't follow the advice from an Indonesian teacher

  • A paragraph should consist of at least 5 sentences and must contain a basic idea. If not, I give zero.

  • That's time at school.

  • This is not good for articles on the website.


Because paragraphs that contain too much writing will make your eyes tired.

Therefore, it is recommended that one paragraph for a website article have a maximum of 3-4 lines (not sentences), with a horizontal length of no more than 20 words.

In addition to short paragraphs, you can also use a subheader to cut the section so that your article becomes "lighter".

See this picture for comparison:

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