Check Profile Links to Secure Your Website - Techsolution club


Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Check Profile Links to Secure Your Website

There are several aspects that improve page rank in the Google Search Engine, one of which is inbound links / back links that are a little more updated on your site's traffic, but not all inbound links can be a source of traffic for your site, what is meant here is immediate traffic sources from back link that we made on another portal.

Now the algorithm on Google's search engine has been clever enough to know the regular or unnatural signs of inbound links, even though there are very few inequalities in natural links, even though Google knows the steps we use to build links are not regulated, Google will soon give a penalty that is long enough for our site.

And Google penalties are a heavy blow to us, some bloggers and site managers, because our site will really disappear from the Google search engine with a relatively long period of time.

Because this kind of thing we have to check our site profile link frequently, so that we can quickly make improvements, our back link arrangement so that the site is free from google penalties, and so we can still be able to build our site profile link in a safe and structured way .

I will try to explain a little about the short profile link in this article ...

What is a profile link?

When we discuss or review SEO, especially the Website Profile Link, we usually refer to the inbound links that lead to the sites we manage SEO, and don't miss the inbound links.

According to Mark Jackson, besides the number of inbound links, your site link profile consists of:

  • Types of Niiche Backlinks to your site
  • Anchor Text link
  • The way in which the link is obtained.

Google takes some of the above factors into account to keep SEO clean, pure and as natural as possible. By looking at more than just the inbound quantity of links to a site, Google can prevent aggressive SEO or "unnatural" link-building tactics intended for ranking games, such as buying lots of high-quality links that are aired all at the same time.

Explain each point, so you understand the meaning of each of these points.

1. Types of Inbound Links / Backlinks to your site

The backlink that we discussed here is quality backlinks. This means that your inbound links come from legitimate, authoritative sources. The relevance of keywords to your site must be reasonable in the context of linking pages.

Neil Patel noted in his analysis, "good profile links have many high authority links and no spam links." This might sound more natural, this will be our action point in 2016 when many people still take bad links just because of the link.

Thus we must get as many relevant links as possible and links with high-quality websites, with the aim of our website that we will continue to rise regularly and stay in the long-term strategy.

2. Anchor text link

It is illustrated that a website is a building, so to connect a building to another building is "Anchor Text", "Anchor Text" is a text link that can be clicked on. This text usually consists of keywords, brand names or URLs, but it can also be any text.

Anchor text is to help send a signal to a machine that shows what the related page is about searching. For example, you would expect a link with the anchor text "Coca-Cola" to link to the Coca-Cola site; similarly, you would expect a link with an anchor text "stock of fish" to take you to a page in the fishing inventory.

For Anchor Text, the more varied your Anchor Text is, the more natural your inbound link profile will be seen by searchers.

3. How the link is obtained

It's no longer a secret that Google really doesn't like how to build links through paid backlink services, this is explained by Google in their quality guidelines. once you use a paid link then google doesn't hesitate to penalize the website that you are building SEO.

From some of the points that I tried to describe above, it becomes a reference if you are still a cloud in building your website SEO, so my article this time, hopefully it is useful.

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