Huawei will no longer use SD cards in its Phones - Techsolution club


Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Huawei will no longer use SD cards in its Phones

Huawei is facing difficulties after the US ban and now the Chinese tech giant is barred from being a member of the SD Association. So that means Huawei is no longer allowed to use SD and micrSD cards in their future smartphones and laptops including a port design that reads these cards on smartphones and laptops.

What is SD Association?

The SD Association is a trade organization that controls the standards of SD products. These products include everything from a standard SD card to a microSD and the port designs. If a company is not a member of this association they cannot officially produce components with these standards.

The SD Association representative while talking to Android Authority said:

That they have removed Huawei from the list in compliance with the US order of Huawei ban. Huawei on the de-listing from association commented that its current phones using the microSD cards in them are safe.
In addition, the Wi-fi Alliance (setting benchmarks for Wi-fi over the market) has likewise put impermanent confinement on the tech monsters enrollment following the US boycott. Huawei is likewise cutting ties with few organizations, one of them incorporates JEDEC which is a semiconductor principles association famously know for characterizing RAM determinations. Nikkei Asian Review reports that Huawei has willfully left JEDEC over the issues between the organization and the US. Following these bans, the tech monster will definitely confront trouble in creating equipment and contending in the US advertise.

But as The Verge reported, losing SD Associations membership may not be the biggest of problems for Huawei, as the company already prepared for the SD card outage by developing their own proprietary Nano-Memory Cards, that are physically smaller than microSD cards and have also replaced the universal standard.

Different organizations which have finished their help with Huawei incorporate Google, Intel and Qualcomm, and ARM. Besides, Microsoft has additionally expelled Huawei's MateBook X from its online stores.

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