20 Tips To Get More Traffic To Your Blog - Techsolution club


Monday, June 24, 2019

20 Tips To Get More Traffic To Your Blog

So do you want to earn online and have a website or blog? Okay but the main problem is traffic and you want to get traffic. Getting visitors to your site is not a simple task and it requires time and hard work but not impossible. Many new bloggers didn't know about SEO and they search other methods for getting visitors to their sites/blogs. If you want to know about how to SEO click here.

Traffic depends on your blog topic and your writing skills. You should have unique content and be creative on your blog give new ideas to people on a daily basis so visitors will be active on your blog. If your blog is about news then share news stories on a daily basis.

How do I get traffic to my blog/site?

20 tips for getting more traffic to your site/blog 

Here're some tips on how to get more traffic to your blog.

  1. Update blog daily
  2. Write short posts
  3. Be creative
  4. Be a resource
  5. Create a Twitter account and share posts on twitter regularly
  6. Create a Facebook page of your blog/site and share posts on the page
  7. Create an Instagram account and share updates about your blog via stories and picture posts
  8. Create a Pinterest account of your site/blog and share links via pins
  9. Be active on Reddit and share posts on Reddit communities
  10. Active on Quora and give answers of questions relevant to your blog/site
  11. Create your site/blog channel on YouTube and make short videos about your posts and post on YouTube and mention your posts links in the description 
  12. Leave thoughtful comments on other people's blogs
  13. Optimize your site for search engines 
  14. Use mobile-optimized themes
  15. Guest posts on other people's blogs
  16. Link out other relevant sites in your blog
  17. Share posts in relevant Facebook groups
  18. Use trending hashtags on Twitter
  19. Organize your posts with lists and subheads
  20. Be funny while writing
The above tips will definitely help to grow your blog and get more traffic. Social media is a great way to get visitors to your site/blog to be active on social media and share thoughtful posts on social media.  

Please leave your comments about this post and I'll share more ideas to grow your blog to be with me.


  1. Thanks for sharing this tips

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Dear Ankit for coming here and leaving thoughtful comments on my post so I'll be happy if you share your blog results after applying above tips.

      Thanks Again.
