Encryption Technology Is Very Important For Data Security in the Future - Techsolution club


Sunday, December 30, 2018

Encryption Technology Is Very Important For Data Security in the Future

Encryption Technology Is Very Important For Data Security in the Future

Encryption technology will be very important for data security in the future. We can see this from the high demand for control and protection of information assets and company data throughout the world today, including in Indonesia.

According to the Ponemon Institute research, the use of encryption in various companies globally has more than doubled in the past decade. From 2005 to 2016, the application of encryption in various companies has increased by 37%. At the same time, companies that do not use encryption have decreased from 38% to 15%.

 This trend of using encryption has increased due to the high number of cyber crime every year. Employee errors are at the top of the list as the main threat to crucial and confidential data in a company, then system damage and hackers.

Use of Encryption Increases Globally

Starting in May 2018, the European Union will establish a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which requires all business entities in Europe to use encryption as a data security protection standard. And this regulation will also apply to various companies outside Europe if they have business or branch business relationships in the blue continent.

In the end, inevitably the entrepreneurs in Indonesia also have to implement encryption in their companies if they want to do business with European countries.

The most common uses of encryption are databases, internet communications, laptop hard drives, and backup servers. The most frequently stored data includes employee data and HR, data related to payments, intellectual property and financial records. The most widespread adoption of encryption is in financial, health and pharmaceutical services, and the technology and software industries.

At present, there are still many companies in Indonesia that have not implemented encryption as part of their security system. This is the reason why almost every day Indonesia receives 1,225 million cyber attacks from various countries, such as in the case of WannaCry, Fireball and the latest Petya.

"Indonesia must immediately take into account encryption technology to address the security needs of companies protecting data such as laptops or desktop computers, removable storage media, PDAs, e-mail servers, or corporate networks, including protecting data in transfers such as e-mail. Users will no longer worry about accessing files from anywhere safely such as from the office, home or on the road. Encryption will protect stolen or lost data, so it is impossible to read because it is encoded by an encryption mechanism. "Said Yudhi Kukuh, Technical Consultant at PT Prosperita - ESET Indonesia.

"The combination of data encryption with the use of cloud storage or an external drive that is increasingly used can be a powerful solution for data backup. Every time connected to cloud storage when turning on the computer, the file can only be read if you know the key used to open it. This is where the role of encryption is very useful to counteract attacks and human errors that often occur. "Added Yudhi again.

Use of Encryption for Cyber ​​Security
There are two different times and places where data needs to be protected from the threat of online thieves, namely: In storage (silent data) and when sending (moving data),

The stored data includes data stored in files on all types of devices: drives installed on desktop computers, connected to servers, drives on laptops, and storage on tablets, virtual drives / storage, smartphones, and other mobile devices. Data on USB and other portable drives also need to be encrypted. In the case of mobile devices, laptops, USB memory, and portable drives, data encryption offers protection if the device is lost and also if stolen or hacked. Many operating systems currently include encryption capabilities, thus protecting files that are stored easily enough.
Moving data includes all data sent over the network, either via email, file transfer, or other means. Virtual private networks allow users to remotely access corporate networks and encrypt all communications during the session. There are applications that support email, SMS, and secure file transfers. Usually it can be fulfilled by using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
The standardization of this technology has been carried out in America by issuing (Federal Information Processing Standard) FIPS 140-2 which requires developers to get certification so that their products are recognized as part of a security solution.

Some of the algorithms used to meet this standard are:

3. RSA

This technology is one of the most powerful defense systems to protect data from data theft carried out by cyber criminals and attacks from enemy insiders in blankets that can infiltrate at any time. From the user side, IT practitioners in the company are facilitated in its settings, thanks to a centralized management system as the main management control that can be controlled remotely or mobile.

In the business world, entrepreneurs must agree that the security of information and data is a top priority, because the consequences will be very fatal if the company's valuable data is lost or stolen. And of the many choices, the most effective security mechanism to protect confidential information is encryption. The reason, because for now, encryption is one of the defense lines to maintain data confidentiality.

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